
Maxim Khytra/

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Cinema-n Challenge

I love movies. Let's be honest, who doesn't?
People who don't appreciate art I suppose...

Movies have been in my life since before I can remember. My mom has always loved old movies, so from the time I was small I have been watching classics like Casa Blanca and It's A Wonderful Life right along with the popular movies of the month.
What can I say? I just can't get enough.

I think the thing that draws people to movies, is their inherent charm.
A good movie will take this world away for a while and you'll be immersed in someone else's life, maybe on a distant planet or in a distant age, and there is nothing more important than the problems the characters on screen are facing.
I never fail to be swept away by a good movie.

Yet, as I've gotten older, I've started to really appreciate what went in to the making of the films.
I think this started with the Harry Potter films.
As an avid reader of the books and a huge fan of the story, I was at first dismayed by the films because they weren't exactly how I had pictured them. "The makers" got certain details wrong.
But as the series reached the sixth film, I started to recognize that the movies stand on their own.
They are themselves, a work of art. They aren't perfect representations of the books. They are representations of the people who had the vision to bring the wizarding world onto the big screen.
They are the representation of the culture into which the series was born.

That was the first time I really appreciated what a movie is. What a movie really is.
To me, a movie isn't just a form of entertainment. It's not just something to pass the time.
Movies are a way of life. Movies are an art form unseen by the world until the Lumiere brothers opened the door that has led us to where we are today.
Movies can instruct, or influence, or inspire us in ways that no other medium can.
Movies give us what we've always wanted. Escape. Stories.
Movies show us the soul of our culture.
Movies are the spice of life.

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